Digital Marketing: Where Rubber Meets the Road
It’s fine and good to hear that digital marketing is the the way to spend marketing dollars, but just how effective is it? Where’s the proof that it’s working?
It’s fine and good to hear that digital marketing is the the way to spend marketing dollars, but just how effective is it? Where’s the proof that it’s working?
Having trouble managing a newly created WordPress website? Wishing there were more features and functions available to cater to the site’s unique audience? Believe it or not, there are. WordPress has nearly 50,000 plugins that cover a wide variety of needs for any website. Here are a few that every small business should consider to enhance its website and set itself up for success.
Thinking about creating a website through WordPress? Good choice. There are many reasons for choosing WordPress to host a small business’s website. Among them is its beginner-friendly design, automatic mobile optimization, 24/7 support, and most importantly, the fact that it’s free! With its wide variety of features and convenient layout, it’s no wonder that WordPress is the most popular website hosting platform today. However, even with WordPress, websites require plenty of time and effort to get started.
When it comes to finding attractive job candidates, every business knows the importance of turning to social media. The biggest challenge is getting started. Over 93% of businesses either use or plan to use social media in recruiting, but only 18% consider themselves experts in social hiring strategy.
In today’s world, where a brand’s social media usage shapes its corporate image, creating a policy for users of any company’s social media account is of the utmost importance. Not only can a good social media policy prevent slip-ups that hurt the business’s image, but it will also help maintain brand image and retain and engage customers in a productive manner.